This blog series provides the latest happenings in leave, disability, and accommodations. Stay in the loop with regulatory news, essential resources, and actionable steps to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape. Join us as we share information to help you stay connected and compliant!
Statutory Update: Maine Enacts Paid Family and Medical Leave (ME PFML); Federal Guidance; PFML and Accrued Paid Leave Updates & More
August 31, 2023
Updates in Federal, State, and Local leave legislation and guidance since our June 9 post.
How Top Employers are Approaching Bereavement Care: A Report
August 8, 2023
MMA’s Absence, Disability, and Life Practice and Empathy, a platform for helping families navigate the emotional and logistical challenges of loss, recently partnered to better understand how top employers are supporting their employees in some of life’s most difficult moments – through bereavement and loss. The research conducted sheds light onto the key bereavement care initiatives and comprehensive benefits being offered at today’s top companies. The findings show the compassion industry-leading companies are showing their workforce, bringing in a new era of bereavement support.
Statutory Update: Minnesota Enacts Earned Sick and Safe Time and Paid Family and Medical Leave, and Amends Existing Laws
June 9, 2023
Last month the governor of Minnesota approved several measures impacting employee entitlements to
leave and protections: SF3035 (May 24), Effective July 1, 2023 which amends the current Pregnancy and Parental Leave Act and the state’s “kin care” law and amends current accommodations requirements for pregnant and lactating employees. Effective January 1, 2024, implements Earned Sick and Safe Time, and repeals the kin care law
Statutory Update: COVID-19 Legislation; New Federal Worksite Posters, PFML and Accrued Paid Leave Updates & More
May 25, 2023
On May 15 the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated its technical assistance: What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws. The EEOC maintained this guidance throughout the pandemic and, while much of the content is still relevant with regard to the applicability of anti-discrimination laws, the most recent updates emphasize that employers should not (or, in some cases, may not) automatically abandon certain policies and practices simply because the nationwide COVID-19 public health emergency has officially ended.
Statutory Update: COVID-19 Legislation; Protections for Pregnant and Working Mothers; PFML and Accrued Paid Leave Updates & More
February 27, 2023
While California’s COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) law expired on December 31, 2022, the requirement to provide exclusion pay under Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards remained in place. Effective February 3, 2023 the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) adopted COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations, which do not feature exclusion pay. Visit the DIR’s dedicated webpage for more information on the new regulations.
Statutory Update: COVID-19 Legislation; 2023 PFML Benefits & Rates, Important Reminders
December 22, 2022
California’s statewide SPSL requirements expire December 31, 2022. As of today there is no indication that they will be extended or reinstated, especially given the mayor’s October 17 announcement that the state’s COVID-19 State of Emergency will end on February 28, 2023. Any employee on leave as of the law’s expiration date may finish taking leave.
Statutory Update: COVID-19 Legislation; MI Paid Sick Leave Changes, PFML Updates and 2023 Benefits and Rates & More
October 28, 2022
On September 29 the governor of California approved AB152, extending 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) requirements, originally set to expire September 30, through December 31, 2022. This extension does not provide additional leave to employees, it simply extends the time period during which an employee’s existing SPSL balance may be used. Employees taking SPSL as of December 31 may finish taking the full amount of SPSL to which they are entitled. (Please refer to our March 4 Statutory Update and/or our side-by-side comparison for more details.)
Statutory Update: COVID-19 Legislation; CO FAMLI, DC PFL & OR PFML Updates; 2023 PFML Benefits and Rates & More
September 30, 2022
Our July 26 Statutory Update included a summary of San Francisco’s Public Health Emergency Leave (PHEL) Ordinance, which becomes effective October 1, 2022. The new (permanent) law requires employers to inform their employees of their rights to PHEL by posting a notice at each job site in all languages available and, where feasible, by providing it to employees via electronic communication, which may include email, text, and/or posting on the employer’s web- or app-based platform. The city’s Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OSLE) recently posted the model notice on their PHEL webpage.
Statutory Update: COVID-19 Legislation; Bloomington, MN and Puerto Rico Paid Sick Leave; PFML Updates & More
July 26, 2022
On June 7 San Francisco voters approved Proposition G, which permanently adds Article 33F to the San Francisco Police Code and requires employers to make Public Health Emergency Leave (PHEL) available to their employees effective October 1, 2022. Below are the details outlined in the ordinance; future amendments or clarifications may come by way of regulations or ordinances adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
Statutory Update: OR PFML Contribution Rate; July 1 Reminders; AL Adoption Leave Update; West Hollywood Paid Leave Regulations
June 10, 2022
Last month the Oregon Employment Department (OED) announced that the contribution rate for OR PFML beginning January 1, 2023, will be 1% of employees’ wages (the law itself indicated that the rate was “not to exceed” 1%). The maximum wages subject to contribution will be $132,900. Of the total rate employers will contribute 40% and employees will contribute 60%. Employers with fewer than 25 employees nationwide are not required to pay the employer portion of the contribution. Employers may elect to pay the required employee contributions, in whole or in part, as an employer-offered benefit.
Statutory Update: Delaware Enacts Paid Family and Medical Leave; WA PFML Rules; AL Adoption Leave
May 12, 2022
On May 10 the governor of Delaware signed the Healthy Delaware Families Act (SB1), establishing the “Delaware Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program” to provide job-protected paid leave to employees working in the state. Below is a summary of the law’s text.
Statutory Update: Maryland Enacts Paid Family and Medical Leave; WA PFML and OR PST Amendments
April 14, 2022
On April 9 the Maryland General Assembly enacted the Time to Care Act of 2022 (SB275), overriding the governor’s veto the day before. The Act establishes the “Maryland Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program” to provide job-protected paid family and medical leave to employees working in the state. Provided is a summary of the law’s text. Regulations defining provisions and requirements are scheduled to be adopted by June 1, 2023.
Statutory Update – Philadelphia, PA COVID-19 Leave, DC PFML Changes
March 25, 2022
On March 9 the mayor of Philadelphia signed Bill No. 220051-A, resurrecting the city’s Public Health Emergency Leave that expired last summer and renaming it “COVID-19 Leave”. Effective Dates: March 9, 2022 through December 31, 2023 Applies to: All Employers with 25 or more employees (2021 PHEL applied to employers with 50 or more employees); Employees who work for an employer within Philadelphia after March 9, 2022; normally work within Philadelphia but are currently teleworking from any other location as a result of COVID-19; or work for the employer from multiple or mobile locations, provided that 51% or more of their work time is spent in Philadelphia.
Statutory Update – COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Updates
March 10, 2022
Long Beach: With the recent reinstatement of statewide COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) effective February 19 (see our March 4 Statutory Update for details), Long Beach’s SPSL ordinance has ended and only the state’s requirements apply.
Statutory Update – California Reinstates COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
March 4, 2022
Our February 3 Statutory Update included mention that legislation reinstating “COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave” was awaiting final approval. On Wednesday, February 9, SB114 was signed by the governor. Effective Date: February 19, 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) requirements are applicable retroactively to January 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022.
About the Authors

Jim Jantz, JD
Jim Jantz is the Absence, Disability, & Life (ADL) Director of Compliance at Marsh McLennan Agency. As an attorney specializing in ADL compliance, Jim is a trusted expert in navigating the complexities of federal, state, and local disability and leave laws/regulations. He serves as the go-to resource for clients, practice leaders, and account teams, providing invaluable guidance on regulatory issues. With extensive experience in LOA, accommodations, and employee benefits management, Jim brings a wealth of expertise to compliance consultation.

Missy Young
Missy Young has been with Marsh McLennan Agency for more than 20 years, joining the Absence, Disability & Life (ADL) practice in 2016. In addition to her role as a Consultant on the ADL account management team, Missy helps colleagues and customers navigate the complex and rapidly changing disability, leave, and accommodations laws through the Statutory Update posts and various other resources.